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> March 2017
This Mornings #QCFirst15
Some People Put Juice in their Cereal?
Entire Bridge at the Heart Of Atlanta's Major Highways Burned and Fell!
The Secret Source's at The Center Of Trump Russia Probe
"At some point it's all about creating memories Grovesy"
Study: Playing Tetris, Hours after a Trauma can help Flashbacks
LISTEN: Did Grovsey Have a Stroke on the air with Q&C today?
"some of the more ridiculous and morally derelic promises spouted"
Quinn and Cantara's Human Furniture gets props on Bret Michaels FB Page
Sheriff Saratoga County: "Search for missing teenagers now underway"
Loverboy can never stop the rain, so don't even try
2 yr old found in crib, tests positive for methadone... Dies
Thursday: The incredible Survival Story of 24 year old Amber VanHecke
Quinn is dropping sumpump #HBlogZ all over your face in the afterbirth
PHOTOS: Cohoes Fire Dept really earning their money here
TN law says kids over 12 can decide to leave their family themselves!
TCO Emailed Me this morning saying it's "Something We Can Do Together"
Missing Man Found INSIDE a 22 ft long Pythons Belly
When Tourists attack... Look at that damn Elevator!
Bill O'Rielly in Hot "Waters" #HairGate
It's Thousand Island with a Mayonnaise Sanction
Mexican Vigillantes cut off suspected thiefs hand
Quinn's dumping FatStacks of HBlogsZ AgAIN! (Still, all over your face)
Grovsey Called, Said he had TWO STROKES last week...
Cops served a 6th grader with no-trespass orders
Lady in Idaho Says she crashed her car after seeing SASQUATCH!
UNC's Luke Maye gets a Standing Ovation when he enters class after that shot
Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions warns Sanctuary Cities to "comply"
Quinn #HBlogZ Master P who wants Asst Coach gig @NBAPelicans
Vote in Quinn and Cantara's Vinyl 4
FL dude charged for eating pancakes on the road.
Worlds Fastest Police Car Goes over 250 MPH
Hong Kong Escalator Video
Kentucky Fans Celebrating, immediately get their hearts ripped out
Trucker dude battles this gate like it's a fire breathing Dragon #GateGate2016
Lightning Hits a Car like a Laser Guided Strike from above lights driver on fire
Quinn's probably High-Blogging: Easter Eggs Benedict (Arnold)
Trump in a Big Boy Truck
Tinder is literally help more NBA Players get more sex... Improving their games!
Most comfortable accident ever? How bout "Best Dirt Nap"?
Ex Boston Drummer Sib Hashian Dead at 67!!!
Trans-Vaginal Mesh turns Lady Garden into Penis killing vagina w/Teeth
Q&C Throwbacks photos & videos from the show
Internet destroys annoying fat women who made them late.
Saratoga Springs Moms on Fox & Friends
Quinn and Cantara Throwback "Jay Pharoah Does Impressions in Studio"
The Janitor Sings Elvis....
OVERNIGHT: More Than Circumstantial Evidence against Trump Orbit Says Schiff
Tinder? Taste The Meetmarket Podcast from our pal "Nails"
Today's #QCFirst15
Preet Bharara witness gets thrown from Moscow building ...
Infant With Parasitic Twin Get's its Extra Spine and Limbs removed!
ANOTHER Broken Arm Wrestling Video for you guys... Enjoy?
Bull Fighter Get's a Horn up the P-Shoot
Troy NY Restaurant owner Starts "Fake Uber
Genesis Fans Unite! Steve Hackett fights Genocide with New Album
Watch: Q&C's First 15 #FBLive
TOMI SUSPENDED BY THE BLAZE! (for being Pro-Choice?)
How Haunted is Saratoga Springs?
Ivanka Trump gets West Wing office...Top level security clearance
Eye patched car thief is a Riot to watch
Where: Worlds "Happiest countries"
Right wing lobbyist Roger Stone question spooks Comey
"NOT IN THIS FORUM!?" Elise Stefanik & James Comey should bang
Not Sure We Like The "Big Chicken" here
Mr Rogers Testifying before Congress in 1969...
NCAA Recap... How'd You Do? Yeah, Me Too...
First day of Spring (All The Meme's you will Need)
One Armed Wood Chopper is a BAD ASS
Frat Bro Uses Shark Teeth to Shotgun His Beer
Your Nose Evolves with Climate not Genetics
Kate Upton's 60 Sec "Cat daddy" Video made her a superstar
"United Way says 44% of New York households say can no longer afford all of life’s basic necessities"
Artie Lang busted for Coke Heroin, talks about it on Twitter
Human Furniture Day In effect Thanks Jess!
Watch US Air Force Special Ops Training
#VCU Trumpet Player SO GOT LAID last night
The New Face of Compassion 'F@#K Meals on Wheels!'
Netflix "Star Ratings" are going away...
Did NASA See Another UFO?
Interactive NCAA Bracket, Check it against yours.
Mike Flynn was Paid thousands by Several Russian Companies
Joanna Krupa Is NO FAN of Gronk But She Stars in his new Movie
Jeff Sessions forgets he once wanted to execute pot dealers
Endless Truck/Car Pile Up Just Keeps on Growing
Firearms Instructor's .44 Magnum #Oops
Britney Spears has really pulled it together damn
How Trump-Care works... in 30 seconds
Dan Bilzerian just said his assistant killed a guy last night!
Snow totals top 2 feet, closings coming in after initial delays
“We’ve got Trump tax returns."
BRACKET: Why you should always pick blue and ORANGE teams
Quinn FB lives Blizzard 2017
This psycho disables his wife's toilet so he can collect a sample!
Should there be a Feral Cat hunting season...?
Giraffe Cam
EZEKIEL ELLIOTT pulling down woman's shirt at a St. Patties Party
Canadian College takes out Scales They're "Very Triggering"
Moose Chases Snowboarders down the slopes in CO and WY.
Excited Jack Russell Sucks at Dog Show and could care less
It's On! Blizzard Warning and Extreme Code Blue In Effect
Intense post From Cohoes FD on last nights monster Blaze
Deep Dive on the Weather Prince Jim Cantore
Kellyanne says Obama spyed on Trump through a microwave
UFO Footage Shows Diamond Shaped Alien Ship
Photographer who took the legendary "Napalm Girl" Photo Retires
Illinois House Votes: "October 'Zombie Preparedness Month"
Woman Thought She Was Fat... But guess what..?
Father was left speechless when a good Samaritan did this...
Tiny Snake Caught going up a cat's Nose
Joey Lagano and Kyle Busch Fight #Nascar #SinCity
Car specifically designed for dog lovers
Science Confirms Long Dongs rule
Kid Rocks Blows Up Grills "Made In China"
Case File #518 "The Sunoco Slapper" Rotterdam
Game of mother f#%King Thrones Video is less than an hour old as of right now
Director "King Kong’ meets ‘Apocalypse Now’" biggest Kong ever
Tammy's American Flag Bullet Tear we talked to her about
Trump had Cruz and Heidi over for dinner last night
Mike and Mike 30 for 30 teaser looks great
CIA confirms the Wikileaks release is authentic
Japan's Floating hotel room "pod" ?
Tim Kaine's son arrested at the MN State Capital
Man Arrested for Murder of VT Woman
BREAKING "Amsterdam police investigate activity on Glen Ave."
Oh F#%K something happened in the Giraffe Castle!
S&W TRR8/R8: SWAT REVOLVER (I know...Sexy Right?)
$5000.00 Engagement Ring for $1499.00 as of right now!
Orwell or Huxley?
Check out this Motorbike jump over HWY 60 in California
Brooklyn Parking Spot going for hundreds of thousands of dollars
NY Couple Wins $10-million on a scratch off ticket
A-Rod full-time deal with Fox Sports includes In Booth analysis
"Weeping Angel" CIA can Hack your Smart TV while its off
There's a world famous model with Down's Syndrom
Wikileaks dumps vault7 top secret CIA Documents
No more "Walk-Backs" Real life mulligans don't exist!
Yo BigPharma! Too much to ask? "rationale and criteria"
What's wrong with Quinn?
"Teacher Sex Scandal" Update More Pics
NEW Video of The Bank Robber over near Quinn's House Sunday
Ben Carson Says Slaves had Immigrant Dreams? Huh?
Steve McQueen's "Bullitt" FOUND and RESTORED!
How Would Letterman Handle a Trump Interview?
Anya Tucker throwing emotional haymakers again on News10
iHeartRadio Music Awards Recap
SNL Zoo-opolis Voice Impressions
If you Saw Logan at least you got a peek at new Deadpool?
Who's the smoke-show in this Greenwich NY ad for a Gentlemans Farm?
Comedian Jeff Dye Handles the FB Live Camera today
Is that a Giant Alien Lizard in the Ocean?
Wild Turkeys Stalk Dead Kitty Like a pack of Thugs
Zombie Apocalypse has Started FYI... Here's one
Lightning Strikes Space The Needle, Doesn't Leave?
Casey Anthony Spotted at a Trump Protest
The Sec Of Commerce and his $600 Swamp Drainers...
Welcome To "Hazzard Country" Go Flash Go!
Comic goes after Trump on stage, S#it Gets TOSSED
Baldwin/Bassinger Offspring Loves her body...
Aerial footage of the EF3 Tornado damage in MO
Tump, Putin, Russia & Cold War hits the New Yorker
Do these 2 Cold Cases have a connection #ColdCaseQuinn
Guy Finds The One Thing in the lake to hit
Thanks To Tammy for the Political shower invite today
U2 Sued by dude who says they ripped off song
The Bunny Ranch's "Virgin Slayer" Joins Q&C Today
Steve Bannon sure can give one hell of a speech...