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> June 2017
Joe and Mika - Speak
"I was just fired." - Jeff Fisher THE VIDEO...
Dozens of pigs roam for miles across Texas highway
History of Trump's Insulting of Women
BREAKING WSJ: GOP sought out Russian hackers via Mike Flynn
It got perfectly awkward with the Mayor at Alive at 5 tonight watch...
Guy caught stealing Pregnant Woman's Car... So She runs him DOWN!
"The Progressive" Liberal Wrestler. He is BLOWING UP!
Wanna see Her Eat This Chicken Wing?
Dude yell's "FREEDOM!" slams his car into 10 Commandants statue
#FOTP and "Gotham" actor Donal Logue's kid is missing
Watch this Female Soldier almost get her Head Shot off
Guy get's Plowed into by Bus, Grabs Beer After
Check out Comedian Andrew Santino
Infant overheats as United Airlines plane sits on tarmac for 2 hours
Cantara's NOT happy about what Sarah fed the kids on the last day of school
Trump's Mysterious 1/4 acre lot in FLA worth $4K
Today, in 1775 Schuyler went to Ticonderoga to kick some Ass
Down in Atlanta, The Freeze Strikes again...
Facial recognition Cameras in China used for Social Control and more.
White House warns Syria of "new plans" to gas its people. CENTCOM says Huh?
Safyre Is giving Back to those in need because she's amazing
Against our Better Judgement? Here are our Speedo Pics
Al Capone Wrote a Song in Alcatraz in the 30's and it just Sold..
Randy "Soldier On" took a spill reffing a Paintball game T&P's bro!
Pregnant Women can now kill people in New Hampshire?
Kid is saved after falling from Sky-Ride at 6 flags
Nikelback and Slipnot's Battle turns to all out war!
Kid goes Mental with Leaf Blower
Fitness Blooger Killed by Whipped Cream Cannister
Alicia from UNH is our gift to you this Friday Morning Fella's
Rick Ernest Re-releases his Metal Documentary Get Thashed
Tom Arnold Was Here Today Video/Photos See him at the Funny Bone
Famous Shriveled Toe Stolen From a Yukon Bar
The Wheel Of Speedo Video from this morning has arrived!
Q&C w/ TJ Miller on leaving Silicon Valley, Weed & his new HBO special.
This Naked BASE Jumper Girl Deserves world star status
CIA fires several for hacking vending machines to get free snacks
Wheel of Speedo has been Spun see the pair Quinn Had To Buy!
Have a nice fall buddy... That Had To Hurt
Millennial bored with their job at the fidget spinner factory? Must SEE
Cops looking for this NH chick for a fatal hit and run #eyesup
This girls got some ball skills
Paintball Apocalypse IV PHOTOS ARE IN!
2 dead in Bear Attack in Alaska includes Teen
VIDEO: Man punches teen 39 times in Planet Fitness parking lot Video
Chris Cornell's Touching Last Video in honor of World Refugee Day
Racist Woman asking about "Brown Doctors" want's a White one...
Sounds to me like he's taking out his firearms license and cop freaks
McGreggor's Gym has a Mural of him just killing Floyd
Where on Cantara's Body is this? Listen in the 8 O'Clock Hour to win
Tan Lines are the newest "Body Art" for some
This Guy want's out of this Relationship and FAST
Cantara's Wife Sarah's breasts are finally HERE! See the video!!
10.5 inches is? Less than a soup ladle but a head like a house cat?
Mom tries to Exorcise her daughters demons, shoving sand in her mouth etc.
The Janitor Made a "larger" version of Q&C for his new Video
1 Dead 10 injured in London Van Attack on Muslims
Find out Who won Q&C''s Paintball Apocalypse 4 Here
Maine jogger who killed rabid raccoon becomes overnight media sensation
Mysterious and LARGE CAT captured on Poestenkill trail camera!
Blimp Goes Down in Flames over #USOpen Tourney
Old Dude Rocking Out to Metallica or Johnny Knoxville?
@ArtieQuitter There's a Warrant Out For Artie Right Now
BREAKING: Majority Whip Steve Scalisi Shot in Alexandria VA
Fifth grader Signs on the dotted line to play football for Hawaii
Georgia Inmates Kill Two Officers Now They're on the run
MAJOR FIRE with Fatalities in London
Jeff Sessions "I don't Recall Montage"
$236 Thousand Dollar Dog Mansion?
Watch This Guys Body just shrivel up....
Rodman Checks in from North Korean "Diplomatic" Visit
Trump considers firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller
Triple Murder Suspect barricaded after killing Mother and 2 daughters in Ohio
Body Found In Stony Kill Creek is 19 year old from Valatie
"The Janitor" sings "I'll make it shine" to "I walk the line"
Old friend & early supporter of the show Lou Cove wrote a memoir and it's great
This beautiful Sun Shower Is all for you @NickJohnston101
Oh man, Trump just went sideways in the rose garden
Black Panther Poster hits The World
Elizabeth Warren Action Figure with Righteous Fist reaches goal in One Day
Bad News #2 Church Bus Crash Kills missionary
Bad News #1 Cops Kick Guy on Fire?
Good News #4 Police Officer jumps into River to save woman
Good News #3 Jersey police make an honorary officer of a 7 yr old battling brain cancer.
Good News #2 Woman Hails Cab For Blind Man
Good News #1 17 yr old Chihuahua gets bucket list fullfilled
McCain blames the late Diamondbacks game #Smooth
Check out Rich Robinson's Magpie Salute
James Comeys memos and opening statement released by Senate
Is this Tannerite Refrigerator explosion real or fake?
Boston Red Sox Visit the Bronx for the first time this season
(Watch) Serial Killer Max Scherzer
Trump Is Funneling Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business
(VIDEO) Dude with one leg steals Bike
70 yr old Texan, overrun by feral hogs and says we should worry about climate
#KarmaPolice Is Qatar's Al Jazeera cashing its Karmic Check?
Tom Hanks Tweets Pic of ominous looking NYC Building without windows?
Trump's Weekend Tweets Pissed some people off..
Woman Dies in her fiancee’s arms in London Attacks
How much for the blood of a young Gymnast? About $8K? Sure, Why not?
Love this Guy mowing lawn during tornado who said he "had his eye on it" but the lawn was on his to do list
What a story "What My Camera Captured As My Parents Died Of Cancer"
Quinn's Yard Cart Makeover Video & Gallery
Theresa May sounds like she's going next level on Terror
Top 10 Worst Teeth Pulls with pliers
Base Jumper get's tangled and hit's wall somewhere in Russia
16-Year-Old Girl Hacks Uber Driver to Death in Chicago
Video & Photo's of Cantara's Wife's Breast Enhancement Surgery