Current Weather
Albany, NY
- Humidity: 56%
- Barometer: 30.11 in (Rising)
- Wind: 0 mph SE0
- Visibility: 0 miles
- UV index: 0 (Low)
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7 Day Forecast for Albany, NY
Lo 40°|Hi 60°
Precip: 6%
Lo 50°|Hi 61°
Precip: 15%
Lo 46°|Hi 66°
Precip: 60%
Lo 30°|Hi 49°
Precip: 55%
Lo 32°|Hi 56°
Precip: 2%
Lo 43°|Hi 65°
Precip: 5%
Lo 39°|Hi 64°
Precip: 24%
Massive Storm Slams West Coast, Will Strengthen As It Moves Across The USWinter Weather Advisory in Effect for Capital RegionCapital Region to Enjoy a White ChristmasBitter Cold and Snow to Hit Albany RegionCapital Region Prepares for Second Snowfall in a WeekCapital Region Recovers from First Winter Storm of the SeasonWatch Large Tornado Rip Across Florida Town Preparing For Hurricane MiltonAt Least 6 Dead, Millions Without Power After Helene Makes Landfall