Nominee: Pete Annely
Where he works: Uniformed Firefighters of Cohoes
Nominated by: Helen Annely
Why he was nominated:
Pete is a full time Firefighter, and part time paramedic. He also teaches qualification courses for Advanced Life Support and CPR in a hospital setting. When he met me, an American, 12 years ago, he was already a combat medic in the British Army, serving alongside American troops. He had done two tours in Iraq and took immense pride in being able to serve by providing comfort and care to all those who needed, civilian and soldier. After eight years in the army and having our daughter we moved back to NY because Pete knew how much he wanted to continue helping people in crisis situations. Within three months of moving he was already a certified NY EMT, he then continued to work full time while going to school to become a paramedic. After becoming a paramedic, he attended the Firefighter academy and become a Cohoes Firefighter which is his current full time job. He is also a paramedic for Guilderland, Albany County, and Bruen Rescue Squad. Through working 48 to 72 hours a week, Pete is also an incredibly active father and community member. He is always seen lending a helping hand whenever he can, whether it's assistant coaching, at a school event, or just bringing our daughter to the batting cages, softball practice, dance, and singing classes. I am so proud of Pete and everything he does. He is truly one of a kind.