Maya Spielman Has Stolen Our Attention and Our Hearts

California is sunny, bright, and full of beautiful people like Maya Spielman. This 49-year-old artist is keeping busy by creating art in various ways that you can even purchase to add to your own home. Her skills are incredible!

If you're not already doing so, you need to follow this stunning and talented woman in her Instagram page. Also she posts her TikTok videos there and she is just a ton of fun to watch.

What drives you to create your art? 

When I make a painting or a video or write a story... it all comes from a vision in my mind or a dream. Many of my best creations are found inside of a dream and in the dream I’m wishing it was my creation! When I wake up I’m so excited to realize it is my creation and that I get to bring it to life. My other inspiration comes from looking into the Zeitgeist of the times, meaning that I look closely at the world across all forms of media and social media and really try to tap into the feeling or current mood of our world. 

We've noticed your TikTok videos and seem to be having a lot of fun. Any advice for people wanting to get on that app?

Just be yourself! Everyone seems to give out that same advice... so it’s about finding what it is that you do best and having a laugh at yourself! In tik tok and in life, never take yourself too seriously!!! 

If you could be stranded on a deserted island with any celebrity, who would it be?

Marilyn Monroe, all day every day! And then of course, The Rock! I feel like he would save us somehow!

What are some hobbies that keep you busy and take your mind off of what's going on in the world?

Tik tok of course! And wine and good food. I’m obsessed with cooking so lots of steak, pastas and blueberry pancakes,.. I’m not afraid to cook breakfast for dinner in these hard times!

One thing you can't live without:

Love and friendship! It’s truly love that makes the world go round ❤️ 

Pizza or burgers?

Pepperoni pizza of course!

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