Jessica Rivard Is Inked Up and Our Latest Instagram Crush

We are now fully convinced that Canada is better at more than just hockey and Tim Hortons. How do we know this? Meet Jessica Rivard, a 28 year old Alt Model from our great big neighbor to the North. She resides in London, Canada. Her mission, through her work in modeling is to empower women from all over to be confident with who they are.

Give her a follow over on Instagram to see all of her work.

Jessica was able to answer a few questions for us:

What is your favorite thing about what you do?

Empowering other women who are on the plus size side of the scale factor to be happy and confident with themselves. Every body is a sexy body. 

What hobbies keep you busy?

Comic books and thrift shopping. I love finding priceless items randomly in thrift stores or even flea markets. Antiquing is a great way to spend free time.

You can only use one form of social media for the rest of your life, which one is it? 

Probably Instagram, it’s the main social media platform I use currently. While it has its downsides, it doesn’t contain drama like most networking and social media sites do. 

What's one thing you can't live without? 


Pizza or burgers?

Pizza, hands down.

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