Amanda Is Really Good at Picking Football Games, And Is Our Newest Crush

We'd like for you guys to meet Amanda. She's a 30 something gamer, carpenter, paramedic, and a pretty major sports fan. That's all according to her Twitter bio, which is where we found her in the first place.

When she's not posting photos that will literally make your draw drop she's watching football and talking some major trash.

She might have been born and raised in Philadelphia, but she's not an Eagles fan. She's a diehard Cowboys fan. We had the chance to catch up with this sports enthusiast and here's what she had to say.

Who's your Super Bowl pick this year?

Life long Dallas Cowboys fan, but I think the Patriots will probably take it again this year!

What would you rather do - watch football or have sex?

I can only watch football 3 days a week for less than half a year so when football is on it gets my full attention... 

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

I am definitely pro pineapple especially on white pizza.

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