Mariano Rivera Won't Listen to Metallica

It was an exciting day for New York Yankee fans on Tuesday as it was announced that Mariano Rivera would be entering the Baseball Hall of Fame. He's the first player in history to receive and unanimous vote and well deserved!

Metallica, the band who's music played whenever Mariano would enter a game, even congratulated Mo on the honor. 

What's funny about Mariano Rivera and Metallica being tied so closely together is that Mo doesn't even listen to the music.

Loudwire reports that in an interview with the New York Times he said he doesn't listen to that kind of music because he is a Christian. 

As a Christian, with all due respect to Metallica, I don’t listen to that kind of music.

He added in a later interview that he never said he didn't like the song. It's just not his thing. When he's going in the game he's all business. 

So there you have it. The man known as the Sandman doesn't even crank it up when he needs to get jazzed up. 

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