Halloween Dream Job, Watch Horror Movies for 24 hours straight & get $1000

Where: https://www.cabletv.com/blog/halloween-dream-job
When: Applications are open now through Friday, October 16th. 
Who: CableTV.com researches and compares TV, internet, and streaming services, slashing through the techno-speak to give you straight-forward reviews, service options and reliable advice. HighSpeedInternet.com is an internet comparison site in the US. Our internet experts help people choose the best internet plan in their neighborhood.
What: CableTV.com and HighSpeedInternet.com have teamed up to find one lucky horror super fan to binge watch 24 hours of horror movies on Halloween night for $1,000! The selected candidate will receive lots of Halloween candy, and a $50 Starbucks gift card (you can’t sleep, duh).

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