February 2019 First Responder of the Month - Denise Milnyczuk

Nominee: Denise Milnyczuk

Where she works: Edinburg Volunteer Ambulance

Nominated by: Angela Reynolds

Why she was nominated:

I am nominating Denise for a few reasons. One she has been a dedicated volunteer for Edinburg EMS for 30+ years. She always puts our squad first. (A few years back she did work for a paid agency in Fulton County.) She has had 2 CPR saves in the last 5 years one being recently this past December.

Denise is a very strong person she keeps going when most of us won't or can't. 3 years ago she should have gave in and gave it up as one of her worst calls happened to be a full code on her son. She was first on scene and did what she needed to do in front of her 3 year old grandson. Most of us would have given up EMS or thrown in the towel at that point but she didn't she just keeps going.

To nominate a First Responder of the Month, click here.

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